Thursday 3 April 2014

Yashin Glasgow Stereo Gig

Hey Guys, 

Sorry I haven't updated much recently. Getting the new job and working my butt off and trying to spend time with loved ones, takes up all of my time. 

But obviously I have managed to squeeze in a wee gig, of my beloved band Yashin. I bought myself and a bestie some tickets for her birthday. This is maybe the third birthday in a row I have taken her to see them. But we both love them and we have even met them. I did blog about that too. 

The band are from Glasgow, with the exception of the lead singer who is from Florida/ Isle of Man. The band consists of Harry Radford, Kevin Miles, Connor MacLeod, Andy McShane, Paul Travers and Dave Beaton. This is maybe the 3/4th time of seeing them play live. The support was a band I have already forgotten their name and Idivide, which I will have to look more into.

Every time I have seen Yashin play, you get to see the raw passion that these 5 guys have for music and how much love they get from the fans. This gig was no different. From playing old material to the few new songs, that they have released. They also have a new album getting released hopefully soon. This intimate gig was for the release of new songs Lady Carousel and D.E.A.D, both of which are incredible. I always enjoy hearing the latest offerings from these guys. 

The gig was amazing and will always be in my memory bank. The guys know how to put on a epic gig. Lots of crowd surfing and movement. Also Harry getting into the crowd and singing SOS, whilst sitting down amongst the crowd. They also played a song right at the end, where it has gotten me through so many hard lonely nights a couple of years ago, so I did well up a bit. But being at the front the whole night, ensured I got some amazing pictures and some videos. I also got to sing into Kev's microphone, what is not to love about the gig.

Thank you Yashin, for being a band and always being so incredible to your fans, you connect with the fans in such a special way and I feel like I do have a  unique bond with you guys for writing some of the most played songs on my ipod, which I do always turn too when I need a wee pick me up. I can not wait for the new album and to see you play live again very soon. 


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