Wednesday 9 April 2014

P.S Love Your Nails- Nail Polish Twist Pot Instant Removal Review

Hey Guys, 

So instead of a nail polish review I thought I would do a remover review. This one is from Primark and cost £1. It is similar in style to the Bourjois pot and the Nails Inc, both of which are a lot more expensive than this Primark version. 

The Lowdown.
They cost £1 from Primarks, up and down the UK and maybe the other Primarks. It is a black tub with presoaked sponge inside that you put your nail in and twist it around and it gets off the nail polish. 

The Good.
Easy to use
Good Value for money. 
Gets off most nail polish

The Bad.
The sponge bits, has decided to come out of mine, small bit by small bit.
A bit too much nail polish remover in the pot as it spills out a bit. 
Doesn't get glitter polish off

I love this little pot as it removes nail polish easily and quickly. Although it doesn't remove glitter polish, but that is totally fine by me. I will eventually get the other ones to test out as well, but for £1 and if you are curious by the pots of nail varnish remover, then why not pick one of these up. 

Whats your favourite nail polish remover? Which one should I try next? Leave a comment and I will get back to you. 

Marion <3

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