Thursday 17 January 2013

Glossy Box January Edition Review

Its time of month again when the Glossybox Review gets put up. 

This months theme was Detox, this excited me as I thought of all the different sort of detox things you could get for your skin, hair and nails. 

The products I received are:

ECO-BOUTIQUE body lotion with aloe vera and green tea
This has a nice smell to it and I'm sure as its organic it would be good for my skin. But I'm getting a bit bored of receiving body lotions. Full size £8.50 for a set of 6

MONU Micro Exfolioant
I'm excited to use this, as I love the Dermologica one. Although this one is slightly different as this is a creamy based one. Full size £14.50

BM BEAUTY Dewy Perfection Finishing Powder
This is a tiny pot of powder, I'm a bit confused at how I'm going to get a powder brush into the tub. I will review it though once I have tried to use it. Full size £8

MURAD Hydrodynamic Ultimate Moisture For Eyes
To make this short, this is a small pot of very expensive eye cream. Myself personally, I don't use a eye cream, as it messes up my makeup and it all smudges. Full size is £57

SANCTUARY SPA Active Reverse Thermal Transformation Mask
This is a two step mask that heats up and it helps reduce wrinkles and plump skin. This is for older skin, but I will give it a bash and see how I get on with it. Full size £27.50

We also got a glossybox eye mask, which is nice. I love that Glossybox have started to add in things of their own branding. 

I will try everything in this box, but I'm not sure I will get on well with most of them. But open mind and let the testing begin! 

Pictures to follow

Birchbox January 2013 Edition

As most beauty enthusiasts know, Birchbox has officially launched in the UK this month. As they team up with Joliebox.
Me being my usual curious self and ordered myself a box. 
I must admit, I sometimes don't really work myself up to get excited about the beauty boxes. 

But anyway on to the box... It came very unexpectedly  as I didn't even get an email saying it was shipped.
Although saying that it was a nice surprise to come home too, after a busy day of work and babysitting.

The bright pink packaging definitely brightened my day up. Then came the excitement of holding the first ever birchbox to come to the UK. Its still the usual set up of a Jolie Box with there being 4-5 samples in the box.

So lets get into what was in the box:

Fresh Sugar Rose Tinted Lip Treatment
This is the slightly tinted lip balm that all the beauty gurus seem to be loving when they go to America. So I was very excited to see a sample of this in my box. It has a built in SPF15 and it keeps lips soft and supple in these winter months we are enduring. Full size £15.50

KMS California  Free Shape quick blow dry
This is a dual-phase mist, that detangles your hair and quickens the time it takes to dry your hair. I'm excited to use this as my hair isn't in the best condition so anything to give it a boost of some sort is a winner in my books. full size £13.50

Reverence De Bastien Unguent for nail and cuticles 
This is a brand I've never came across or have any clue what this does. But on the card it says its full of vitamins and is meant to keep nails strong and healthy. Full size £15.50

WEI  Royal ming firming and hydrating cream
I'm not the biggest fan of WEI products after I suffered a bad break out and red blotchy skin for a few days, after I used one of their face masks. I'm not excited by this product at all and very wary to use it. This also isn't really catered to my skin type or needs. full size £74

This month we got a lifestyle extra of a Teapigs chamomile teabag.... not my favourite type of tea, but I'm sure I will use it to try out teapigs tea. Had a look on their website and I may have to buy myself some of their Chai Tea teabags.

For a first box I am most definitely impressed with the products in there. It has a full range of products not just based on one part of beauty (skincare, make up ect). I'm looking forward to testing these products and maybe do a review on some of them. 

Pictures to be added later as my camera and laptop don't seem to want to sync together tonight.