Wednesday 23 April 2014

Nail of the day. 23/4/14

Hey Guys, 

Thought I would show you what I have on my nails today. I've went a bit mint/pastel green crazy over the past week or so. 

So I have the Ps Love nail polish on in the mint green colour £1 from Primark, on top of that I have the matte effect top coat also £1 from Primark, I have done a pink glitter accent nail which is Birthday by Barry M for superdrugs 50th anniversary. Which is a beautiful pink based pink white and purple glitter. Then lastly I threw on some of NYC Disco Inferno top coat on my thumbs just to jazz up the matte effect on my nails. 

I really like this look and one can not have enough glitter on my nails.

Bye Guys


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