Friday 19 April 2013

Quick Nearly Quarterly update!! #1

Hey Guys, 

Sorry I haven't been writing many posts in the past few months, I keep saying I'm going to blog and have a fair few posts that i want to write. But time eludes me.

Although in the time that has passed a fair few things have happened and have changed my lifestyle, kinda :P

I have a new job, which has me on my feet most days for 7-8 hours at a time. I work with some awesome girls, which really do make working for the company a joy. Although it does make me shattered all the time. But its mainly enjoyable. Its money after all. 

I have been going out an insane amount of times, not as a bad as every night of the week, but enough to keep me tired for days on end. 
There has been fall outs and make ups, even something that can not for the life of me be reconciled as its just too damn confusing.

I have also got a new tattoo, as I always seem to get one, when things in my life are good and I'm happy. Obviously I do have more to tell you guys but some things have to stay quiet just now as its new and exciting. But it has definitely helped towards my changed outlook on life.

Hmmmm.. what else has happened since I last blogged in like Feb. I would love to say I have a new make collection to blog about and been to loads of gigs and done so many more interesting things... But I cant life just got crazy with working and going out with friends and doing loads of normal fun things for a 22 year old.

any way enough of my spraffing.. time to get on with the proper blogging. 
