Tuesday 5 March 2013

Random posting of updating life!!!!i

So guys, 

I know, Ive not been blogging as much recently, but i suppose you'll find out why, after reading this post....

My life over the past four months has been pretty hectic, just by doing a lot of stuff away from the keyboard and working. 

But at the same time, I really haven't felt a lot like me recently. I've been far too busy with being sociable and being on loads of crazy nights out. But its time to air out the crap and stress and become like me again. I'm not sure where to really begin all this from tho.

About a month ago, I got made redundant, which obviously sucked big time... Ive been out of work a month and hate it with a passion. I do now have a job lined up, so I'm hoping it works out. But the old bosses are being right twats about getting references and stuff I need. They also underpaid me and then made out it was my fault. So I've been going out lots to compensate for the stress.... bad I know. My skin and general well being are feeling it a bit now. 

I do have the best mates in the world tho, who have happily helped me out a lot more than they will ever know, when Ive been in one of my moods. 

I also met this utter waste of space of a guy... which will probably become another post soon as i need new dating rules and just general confidence boosters. Any help would be appreciated. 

Suppose this is a random post that wont get looked at much but at least I have got this off my chest!! 

I need start believing in myself and know I'm worth a lot more than how Ive been the past few months.... Time to enjoy my last few months of being 22!!
Remember guys you are all worth it and never let people say you aren't!!!
Bye for now