Tuesday 22 April 2014

Pink Velvetine Lime Crime Review

Hey guys, 

Yes  I know I am very late to the bandwagon on these little beauties. But there is  just sometimes, I couldn't really splurge on these. I have only got the pink velvetine at present, but I have been eyeing up the black and the new dark red one from the new collection of them.

The Lowdown.
I got mine from amazon, I somehow ended up with a freebie, when I was buying some Wet N Wild lipsticks. Not that I am complaining. But these do usually cost around £14 from various places, like cutecosmetics or you can just type it into google and list of places will have them. 

The Good. 
Amazing pigmentation
Non Drying
Non Sticky
It dries almost immediately
lasts a long time
You can touch it up and it doesn't bump or crumble the rest of the lips.
Smells delicious
Cute Packaging

The Bad
I am yet to find a fault with this.
Although there are limited colours, I would love a dark pink a nude and a purple please. 

I would repurchase this and as I say I have been eyeing up a few more colours. But I would love to see a better colour range of these. I have also found a couple of dupes for these but I am not sure they are up to the same standards as these are.


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