Sunday 7 December 2014

Update on life

Hey Guys,

Sorry about taking a long as heck, break from blogging. Life got in the way, people demanded all my time and slowly but surely lost myself with everything going on.

So lets iron out the kinks and bumps that I had in the road, to where I am now.

I ended up being let down, by the person I gave my heart too. I did suffer a mild altercation, with him, that did take a lot for me to stand up to him and break up. In my mind I know I done whats right for me and what I will always say it was right. I might get into it further in another post.

I was working for a well known bargain store, that then let me down in the fact that I got let go because I didnt get on well with the manager. I felt gutted about it, as I had made so many great friends there and I didn't want to miss working with them, which I do. But life goes on and I now work for Boots, which is crazy busy this time of year, but I get to work with the self selection make up every single day. Lets be honest its a beauty bloggers dream. I love it. Even though its just a christmas temp job.

Lastly, I am happy to say, I have been able to fix a lot of old friendships, that I managed to burn, or fall apart from. So at least I can say a few good things have came out of a few heartaches and misery. 

I do have a few post planned, so hopefully I should be able to get them done depending on time. 


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